Youth Flourishing in North Auckland: Join us for a Celebration of Innovation

Youth Flourishing in North Auckland: Join us for a Celebration of Innovation

15 weeks ago, a group of innovators and supporters came together for the first Youth Flourishing in North Auckland innovation showcase. This marked an important milestone in a much longer process, through which the young (and less young) people of the North Auckland region laid down a challenge to innovators seeking to positively impact youth wellbeing, and selected a number of teams they felt were best placed to rise to that challenge.

A lot has happened since that time and through it all, the teams have been working with their coaches, mentors and each other to develop and test innovative approaches to supporting the wellbeing of young people, and those they turn to when they need help. 

It’s not all been smooth sailing – they’ve juggled busy lives and competing priorities, wrestled with understanding what their impact could look like, tested assumptions around the value they’re creating for potential customers and other stakeholders, got to grips with the financial reality of making it work, as well as reflected on their role within the system, what it means to be truly youth-informed in their approach and much more. 

Please join us on the evening of 30 November for a celebration of their hard work, learning, progress and achievements over this time, as well as to hear from the teams about what they’re working on, where they’re up to and what’s next.

Register here and please pass this invite on to your friends and colleagues – the more the merrier (but we do need to know numbers for catering purposes.)